
    MediaTek 5G RedCap Modem

    MediaTek empowers product designers looking to expedite the transition to 5G-NR for a wide range of applications that require exceptional battery life and highly compact PCB areas, such as wearables, light-weight AR devices, IoT modules,and edge AI applications.

    MediaTek 5G ‘RedCap’ modem solution offers 3GPP Release-17 tandard features in addition to MediaTek’s unique advantages in industry-leading ower-efficiency, enhanced coverage, and reliable connectivity, offering a significant generational advantage over existing 4G IoT solutions.

    • 3GPP Release 17 standard 5G modem
    • R17 UE power saving
    • R17 Coverage enhancement
    • R17 Small data transmission
    • LTE & NR-FR1 (20MHz)
    • Up to 256 QAM DL/UL
    • 1T2R MIMO / 1CC
    • Network slicing
    • Low latency and reliability

    MediaTek 5G RedCap UltraSave excels at power saving. Supporting R17 standard features plus UltraSave technologies makes the M60 a clear choice for battery-powered applications, minimizing costs, and promoting energy sustainability in large device deployments.

    • 60% lower power compared to existing 4G IoT modem solutions
    • 70% lower power compared to existing 5G eMBB modem solutions
    • Additional 10% power saving with Release-17 power saving features enabled, including:
      • Paging Early Indication, UE Subgrouping, and TRS info in idle mode
      • PDCCH monitoring adaptation, and RLM relaxation in connected mode

    5G RedCap will revolutionize connected devices in consumer and enterprise markets. Many wearable and IoT devices are size and power constrained, which requires extremely compact platforms with simplified antenna designs, without impacting connectivity reliability. MediaTek 5G RedCap can deliver excellent connectivity performance while reducing PCB area by integrating modem and RF into SoC.

    • World’s 1st 5G Modem-RF SOC
    • 60% smaller core chipsets PCB area vs 4G IoT modem solutions